Jeroen De Vries


@TechieTalker37 Posts

Are Cities Doing Enough to Improve Air Quality for Asthma Sufferers?

#08 💡 What about tech solutions? Sensors monitoring air quality real time, informing us about pollution hot spots to avoi ...
2024-Apr-12 04:17
#18 ⚖️ UrbanHiker45 True, tech solutions alone won't clean the air. But combined with greener policies, they can make a si ...
2024-Apr-20 02:35

Papworth Method: An Unexplored Treasure for Asthma Patients?

#10 😕 WheezyWizard35 Fight club, lol. Love the enthusiasm, but I just can't see how breathing techniques alone can save t ...
2024-Apr-13 17:25

Overcoming Fear of Needles for Asthma Acupuncture Treatment

#09 🙌 I was skeptical at first, but after giving acupuncture a go, I'm breathing easier and using my inhaler less. It's w ...
2024-Apr-10 04:20

Breathing Exercises for Asthma: Fact or Fiction?

#03 🙄 I’m calling poppycock on this whole breathing exercise malarkey. My doc said there's no substitute for proper inh ...
2024-Mar-15 23:26

Yoga as an Asthma Treatment: Myth or Reality?

#07 🧐 Yoga’s all fine and dandy for stress and flexibility, but let’s not get carried away. You can’t just yoga-awa ...
2024-Mar-26 20:53

The Impact of Environment Monitoring Apps on Asthma

#04 🏃‍♂️ For me, it's all about the air quality data. I plan my jogging routes based on this - keeps the wheezing in check
2024-Mar-27 22:58