Antonín Novák


@Sneezy22 Posts

The Role of Employers in Asthma Prevention

#02 😟 It's not just about clean air, mate. What about stress? That's a biggie for triggering asthma and bosses need to cu ...
2024-Mar-21 00:06
#09 🌿 DustBuster88 Right on, Goran! Improving immediate working conditions can massively help. I’ve heard of companies ...
2024-Apr-03 23:55
#15 🐾 Also, should we talk about pets in the workplace? Lovely as they are, they can be big asthma triggers for some
2024-Apr-15 22:44

Anxiety and Asthma Medications: A Real Connection?

#05 🔍 To all, remember, inhalers, especially the ones with steroids, can indeed amp up anxiety levels. Alternatives like ...
2024-Mar-22 13:24

Balancing Academics and Asthma Management in School

#01 😤 Bruv, managing asthma in school's like trying to study in the middle of a rave, distracting as hell. Gotta have you ...
2024-Apr-04 13:07

Frankincense: An Ancient Remedy for Modern Asthma?

#07 😌 Tried frankincense back when I caught the worst cold ever. Not sure if it was placebo, but my chest felt less like ...
2024-Mar-26 12:46

Homeopathy vs. Conventional Medicine for Asthma: A Comparison

#08 😌 Had a right palaver with conventional drugs, side effects were brutal. Gave homeopathy a bash, not looking back
2024-Mar-31 18:02

The Psychological Benefits of Exercise for Asthma Patients

#09 😤 I dunno, every time I try to up my activity, my asthma kicks back hard. Maybe I'm just not cut out for this. 🏃� ...
2024-Apr-16 11:03