Darius Mehrjui


@BreatheEasy36 Posts

Gluten and Asthma: Is There a Connection?

#14 šŸ¤ž AsthmaAttack15, keep us updated! Curious if going gluten-free is the silver bullet youā€™ve been looking for. Finge ...
2024-Apr-10 04:12

The Role of Diet in Exercise-Induced Asthma

#07 šŸ˜’ Still skeptical about all this. Been an asthmatic runner for years and my diet's never made a whit of difference. A ...
2024-Apr-02 03:12

Inhaler Anxiety in Children: Tips for Overcoming Fear

#06 šŸ˜Š breatheEasy99 That's a brilliant idea! Making it a regular part of their routine might just remove that fear of ass ...
2024-Apr-06 20:32

Are Inhalers the Only Solution for Exercise-Induced Asthma in Children?

#06 šŸŒæ Apart from exercises, letā€™s not forget about the natural remedies brigade. Honey, ginger... natureā€™s got its to ...
2024-Mar-31 20:32

Garlic: An Effective Natural Remedy for Asthma?

#03 šŸ¤” Interesting, but are we just ignoring science here? Any real studies on garlic impacting asthma, or are we all just ...
2024-Mar-23 21:22
#08 šŸ§˜ AsthmaticArt02 Fair point. I'm all for additional remedies, but let's not forget the power of medical treatment. Ba ...
2024-Mar-30 23:49
#15 šŸ‘Œ HerbHealer21 Couldn't agree more. It's about complementing, not replacing. Scientific backing with a dash of nature ...
2024-Apr-09 21:09
#22 šŸŒŸ GarlicGuru88 You're onto something. It's about adding layers of defense. Modern medicine, natural remedies, and a b ...
2024-Apr-19 19:27

The Role of Selenium in Asthma Control: A Hidden Gem?

#05 šŸ§ AsthamaticArtie53, Artur, not to rain on your parade, but thereā€™s a fair bit of research showing selenium's role ...
2024-Mar-30 02:24