Moritz Bauer
@AirwayAngel88 Posts
The Impact of Social Support on Asthma Medication Adherence
🧐 Haven’t seen much about healthcare professionals being part of the social support. They're crucial, especially fo ...
2024-Apr-10 16:06
✨ MediMinder44 Self-discipline is key, but never underestimate the power of a good healthcare professional in your co ...
2024-Apr-15 19:01
📚 Let’s not forget the role of education in all this. Knowing your condition well can make a huge difference in med ...
2024-Apr-23 00:10
Pets and Asthma: Can Coexistence Lead to Lower Medication?
🐰 I think the key here is moderation and proper medical advice. Pets can be wonderful companions and even assist in h ...
2024-Apr-14 00:59
Yoga for Children with Asthma: Safety and Benefits
📚 Here's the deal, yoga increases lung capacity and teaches proper breathing techniques which is golden for asthma ma ...
2024-Mar-27 12:16
Asthma Warriors: Share Your Vegan Journey!
❤️ Veganism is a gift, no doubt. But let's not judge those who still rely on meds. Compassion is key in our asthma com ...
2024-Apr-16 22:26