Create a Personalized Written Asthma Action Plan for Effective Asthma Management

A written asthma action plan is a personalized document that outlines specific guidelines for asthma management, including medication use, symptom monitoring, and when to seek medical help.
Where to get
Usually provided by healthcare professionals such as doctors or asthma educators.
Applicable for
Prepared by Lee Cheng, reviewed by Dr. Helena Rodriguez

Written Asthma Action Plan FAQ

Why do I need a written asthma action plan?

A written asthma action plan that is specific to you makes it easier to monitor your asthma. It also tells you exactly what to do when symptoms get worse. Without this plan, you may not notice when symptoms get worse. Or you may not manage your asthma as well as you could. 3

What is a personalised asthma action plan?

NICE guideline NG80 (2017, updated 2021), recommendation 1.10.1 A written personalised action plan (such as Asthma UK's asthma action plan) should be tailored to the person with asthma, enabling them to recognise when symptoms are worse. The plan should set out actions to be taken if asthma control deteriorates and who to contact.

What should I do if I have an asthma action plan?

Follow what your asthma action plan says to do. You may need to use your quick-relief medicine. You may also need to go to the emergency room if the quick-relief medicine is not enough to improve your symptoms. Red zone readings are medical emergencies. 1 Why should I have an asthma action plan?

What is included in an asthma action plan?

You will also use this plan to track your symptoms, how often you are using your inhalers and other medicines, and your peak flow numbers. What are the zones of an asthma action plan? Many asthma action plans have 3 zones like a traffic light: green, yellow, and red.

What is an asthma & lung UK asthma action plan?

An asthma action plan supports patients to take the right actions at the right time and lowers the risk of a potentially fatal asthma attack. Use our guide to help you complete the Asthma + Lung UK asthma action plan together with your patient and any carers. Once your patient’s plan is complete and up to date, save a copy to their notes.

What are the outcomes of a written asthma action plan?

Intervention: written asthma action plan. Comparison: usual care (no written asthma action plans). Concomitant medications and excluded medications: not reported. Primary outcomes: asthma symptom frequency, emergency visits, asthma quality of life (mini‐AQLQ score); each at 12 months. Secondary outcomes: participant use of WAAP.

Written Asthma Action Plan References

If you want to know more about Written Asthma Action Plan, consider exploring links below:

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