AsthmaSense - Mobile App for Asthma Management

AsthmaSense is a mobile app that helps individuals with asthma track their symptoms, medications, and triggers to better manage their condition.
Healthcare technology
Where to get
Available for download on mobile app stores.
Applicable for
Prepared by Lee Cheng, reviewed by Dr. Helena Rodriguez

AsthmaSense FAQ

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What causes asthma symptoms?

Many things can cause these symptoms, but they're more likely to be asthma if they: seem to happen in response to an asthma trigger like exercise or an allergy (such as to pollen or animals) See a GP if you think you or your child may have asthma, or you have asthma and are finding it hard to control.

Is asthma a lifelong condition?

Asthma is a lifelong condition. Although most people who have asthma will always have asthma, most people can be symptom-free with a good treatment and self-management plan. If you’ve been diagnosed with asthma as a child, your asthma might improve or disappear completely as you get older, particularly if the asthma was mild.

When does asthma start?

Asthma can start at any age but it most often starts in childhood. Asthma runs in some families but many people with asthma have no other family members affected. Many people with asthma find their symptoms get worse in the winter months. So how can asthma be...

Are there different types of asthma?

There are different types of asthma too. Someone with severe asthma (which affects around 5% of all people with asthma) can have symptoms most of the time and find them very hard to control. But most people with asthma can manage it well by using a preventer inhaler every day, and a reliever inhaler if their symptoms flare up.

What does it mean if you have asthma?

When someone with Asthma has symptoms, it means that the flow of air is obstructed as it passes in and out of the lungs. This happens because of one of the following: The lining of the airways become inflamed (irritated, reddened, swollen), and may produce more mucous.

How serious is asthma?

How serious asthma is varies from person to person. There are different types of asthma too. Someone with severe asthma (which affects around 5% of all people with asthma) can have symptoms most of the time and find them very hard to control.

AsthmaSense References

If you want to know more about AsthmaSense, consider exploring links below:

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