Asthma Action Plans - Personalized Asthma Management

Asthma action plans are personalized guides developed by healthcare providers to help asthma patients manage their condition effectively. They outline steps for asthma control and emergency response.
Where to get
Available through healthcare providers and clinics specializing in asthma management.
Prepared by Lee Cheng, reviewed by Dr. Helena Rodriguez

Asthma Action Plans FAQ

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What is an asthma action plan?

An asthma action plan helps you manage your asthma well and lowers your risk of symptoms and asthma attacks.

Can a written asthma action plan reduce asthma symptoms?

Using a written asthma action plan can significantly reduce the risk of asthma symptoms and an asthma attack for children.

What should I do if I have an asthma action plan?

Follow what your asthma action plan says to do. You may need to use your quick-relief medicine. You may also need to go to the emergency room if the quick-relief medicine is not enough to improve your symptoms. Red zone readings are medical emergencies. 1 Why should I have an asthma action plan?

How do I make an asthma action plan for my child?

You fill in the plan with your child’s GP or asthma nurse, so you can make sure it’s personal to your child and their asthma. Then take it along to all their asthma appointments so the GP or asthma nurse can make sure it’s up to date. How can an asthma action plan help my child?

What is an asthma & lung UK asthma action plan?

An asthma action plan supports patients to take the right actions at the right time and lowers the risk of a potentially fatal asthma attack. Use our guide to help you complete the Asthma + Lung UK asthma action plan together with your patient and any carers. Once your patient’s plan is complete and up to date, save a copy to their notes.

What is included in an asthma action plan?

You will also use this plan to track your symptoms, how often you are using your inhalers and other medicines, and your peak flow numbers. What are the zones of an asthma action plan? Many asthma action plans have 3 zones like a traffic light: green, yellow, and red.

What is a Mart asthma action plan?

A MART asthma action plan tells your patients: what emergency action to take if they have an asthma attack. An asthma action plan supports patients to take the right actions at the right time and lower the risk of a potentially fatal asthma attack.

How can I help my patient use their asthma action plan?

Your patient’s asthma action plan is designed to be an easy to refer to self-management tool. To help your patient use their plan effectively, they could: Keep a copy of their updated plan on their phone, tablet or laptop. You could email them an electronic version. If this is not possible, they could they take a photo of the plan on their phone.

Asthma Action Plans References

If you want to know more about Asthma Action Plans, consider exploring links below:

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