#side effects

Managing Side Effects: Tips for Those on Monoclonal Antibody Therapies

Side effects are a concern for many undergoing monoclonal antibody treatments. Share and discuss how to effectively manage these side effects.

Corticosteroids: A Double-Edged Sword for Athletes with Asthma?

Examining the benefits and potential drawbacks of using corticosteroids to manage exercise-induced asthma in athletes.

Side Effects Showdown: Weighing Corticosteroid Pros and Cons

Weigh in on the side effects of corticosteroids and how they balance against their benefits in emergency asthma care.

Balancing the Scale: Benefits vs. Side Effects of Steroids in Asthma

How do you balance the benefits and side effects of using steroids to treat asthma? Share your experiences or opinions.

Feeling Irritated? Could It Be Your Asthma Medication?

Let’s talk about whether our asthma medications can make us more prone to irritability and what to do about it.

Navigating Side Effects of Asthma Medications

Discussing strategies to handle and possibly overcome side effects of asthma medications. What has worked for you?

Immunotherapy Side Effects: Are They Manageable for Asthma Patients?

Discuss the side effects of immunotherapy for asthma and how they compare with those of other treatments. Are they manageable?

Side Effects of Immunotherapy for Asthma: What Should You Expect?

Share experiences or knowledge about the side effects associated with immunotherapy for asthma. This information can help others weigh the benefits and risks.

LABAs and Side Effects: What Should You Expect?

Delve into the common and rare side effects associated with Long-Acting Beta-Agonists and how to manage them.

Understanding the Side Effects of Biologic Treatments for Asthma

Delve into the potential side effects associated with biologic treatments for asthma and how to manage them.

Are Long-term Corticosteroids Worth the Risk for Chronic Sufferers?

This thread explores the balance between the benefits and potential risks of long-term corticosteroid therapy for chronic asthma.

The Side Effects of Leukotriene Modifiers: Are They Worth It?

A discussion on balancing the benefits of leukotriene modifiers against their potential side effects.

Anxiety and Asthma Medications: A Real Connection?

Discuss the potential link between asthma medications and anxiety levels. Can our treatment contribute to anxiety?

Omalizumab Side Effects: How Do You Cope?

Discuss the side effects you've encountered with Omalizumab and share tips on managing them.

What Are the Long-Term Effects of Monoclonal Antibody Treatments?

Understanding the long-term implications is crucial for those considering monoclonal antibody treatments for severe asthma. Share your insights or concerns here.

Steroids and Asthma: A Necessary Evil?

Delving into the use of corticosteroids in asthma management, their benefits, and the side effects to watch out for.