#inhaler technique

Emergency Inhaler Techniques: Are You Using Yours Correctly?

Discuss the correct use of emergency inhalers as part of an asthma action plan and share common mistakes to avoid. How confident are you in your technique?

Asthma Control: Is Your Inhaler Technique Holding You Back?

Opening a dialogue on how improper inhaler technique can hinder asthma control and seeking advice on improvements.

Asthma Emergency: How to Use an Inhaler Correctly in a Crisis

Uncover the correct way to use an inhaler during an asthma emergency, especially for those who may not be familiar.

Have You Ever Forgotten How to Use Your Inhaler in an Emergency?

Share your experiences and learn how to ensure you remember crucial inhaler techniques during the stressful moments of an asthma attack.

Can Spacer Devices Make Your Emergency Inhalers More Effective?

Join the conversation on how using spacer devices with your inhaler can improve drug delivery and effectiveness during an asthma emergency.

Struggling With Inhaler Coordination - Tips and Tricks?

Parents and caregivers share innovative ways to help children master the coordination needed for effective inhaler use.

Asthma and Inhaler Techniques: Are You Doing It Right?

Highlighting the importance of correct inhaler technique for effective asthma management and common mistakes to avoid.