#emotional health

The Psychology of Asthma: Understanding the Emotional Impact

Delving into how asthma affects patients’ mental and emotional well-being, and coping strategies.

#emotional health

Beyond the Physical: Emotional Well-being While on Asthma Medications

A discussion on how to maintain emotional well-being while dealing with the side effects of asthma medications.

#emotional health

Is Stress a Major Trigger for Asthma Attacks?

Investigating the link between stress and asthma attacks, and sharing techniques to manage stress for better asthma control.

#emotional health

The Emotional Impact of Asthma on Children

Discussing the psychological aspect of living with asthma as a child and how caregivers can offer the best support.

#emotional health

Psychological Support for Children with Asthma

The importance of psychological support for young asthma patients