#child safety
Emergency Inhalers for Kids: Preparation and Usage
Discussing the importance of emergency inhalers and how to train your child and those around them in its correct use.
Bronchodilators in Pediatric Asthma: Safe or Risky?
Debate the safety and efficacy of bronchodilators for treating asthma in children.
Understanding Asthma Attack Triggers in Children
Engage in conversation about identifying and avoiding common asthma triggers in children to prevent asthma attacks.
Is Your Child's School Asthma-Friendly?
Discussing the importance of asthma-friendly policies in schools and what measures can be taken to advocate for change.
Asthma Medications for Children: What Parents Need to Know
A comprehensive guide to asthma medications for children
Asthma Action Plans for School
Creating effective asthma action plans for school-aged children