Understanding Year-round Allergies: Symptoms and Management

Year-round allergies, or perennial allergies, are caused by continuous exposure to allergens like dust or pet dander.
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Prepared by Lee Cheng, reviewed by Dr. Helena Rodriguez

Year-round Allergies FAQ

Image credit: verywellhealth.com

What is a year-round allergy?

Year-round (perennial) allergies result from indoor exposure to airborne substances (such as house dust) that are present throughout the year. The nose is congested, itchy, and sometimes runny, and the mouth and throat are itchy. The symptoms and activities that trigger the allergy usually suggest the diagnosis.

Can allergies happen all year round?

An allergy is when your body's immune system reacts to something harmless, such as food, plants, or medicine. The substance that causes the allergic reaction is called an allergen. These allergies can happen at any time of year or all year long. They don't happen just in one season, like seasonal allergies . What causes year-round allergies?

What causes annual allergies?

Perennial allergies may occur at any time of year—unrelated to the season—or may last year-round. Perennial allergies are often a reaction to house dust. House dust may contain mold and fungal spores, fibers of fabric, animal dander, dust mite droppings, and bits of insects. Substances in and on cockroaches are often the cause of allergic symptoms.

How long does it take to get an allergic reaction?

These recognise a very specific invader and trigger your body to respond to it. Once the body has been primed to recognise that allergen, it produces large quantities of tailored IgE antibodies. That means that next time you're exposed to the allergen, you may get an allergic reaction within minutes.

Year-round Allergies References

If you want to know more about Year-round Allergies, consider exploring links below:

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