The Art of Writing | Importance in Communication

Writing is the act of creating text to convey ideas, information, or stories using language and symbols, serving as a fundamental means of communication and expression.
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Prepared by Lee Cheng, reviewed by Dr. Helena Rodriguez

Writing FAQ

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What is informational writing?

All informational writing should be concise, accurate, and should have a formal/professional tone. What Is Informative Writing? The definition of informative writing is nonfiction writing that occurs when facts and information are used to communicate knowledge and insight about a specific topic.

What is informative writing?

The definition of informative writing is nonfiction writing that occurs when facts and information are used to communicate knowledge and insight about a specific topic. Anything that is written to explain a topic to a reader can be considered a form of informative writing.

How do you write an informative piece?

When writing an informative piece, the author answers the how and why about a topic to make the reader more knowledgeable. The information present in an informative writing piece should not be written in a persuasive manner. The goal is not to persuade or change the mind of the reader, but rather to share straightforward and concise information.

How do you write an informative essay?

The last part of writing an informative essay is writing a citations page. Because an informative essay includes statistics, facts, and other pieces of objective data, you need to credit the sources you consulted to find this data. How you format your citations page depends on whether your essay is written in MLA, APA, or Chicago style.

Writing References

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