Combatting Vitamin E Deficiency: Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions

A condition resulting from inadequate vitamin E intake, leading to neurological problems and weakened immune system.
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Prepared by Lee Cheng, reviewed by Dr. Helena Rodriguez

Vitamin E Deficiency FAQ

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Is vitamin E A deficiency?

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin with antioxidant qualities that helps keep your immune system strong. It occurs naturally in a wide range of foods and is even added to certain food products to help you increase your intake. Because of this, developing a vitamin E deficiency is rare unless you have an underlying health condition.

What are the symptoms of vitamin E deficiency?

Symptoms of vitamin E deficiency or low levels of vitamin E include muscle weakness, coordination difficulties, numbness, vision problems, and more. Deficiency is uncommon and typically the result of an underlying condition. Some premature infants also have low levels. The body needs vitamin E to function, making it an essential vitamin.

What causes low vitamin E levels?

Two of these diseases, congenital abetalipoproteinemia and familial isolated vitamin E deficiency, are chronic and result in extremely low vitamin E levels. Vitamin E deficiency can also result from diseases that severely reduce the absorption of fat. This is because the body requires fat to absorb vitamin E correctly. cystic fibrosis.

What is vitamin E deficiency treatment?

Treatment addresses the underlying cause of the deficiency (fat malabsorption, fat metabolism disorders, among others) and then provides oral vitamin E supplementation.

How is vitamin E deficiency diagnosed?

The diagnosis of vitamin E deficiency is based on symptoms, the presence of conditions that increase risk, and results of a physical examination. Blood tests to measure the level of vitamin E may be done to confirm the diagnosis. Treatment of vitamin E deficiency involves taking vitamin E supplements by mouth.

Vitamin E Deficiency References

If you want to know more about Vitamin E Deficiency, consider exploring links below:

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