Solutions for Managing Skin Irritation and Discomfort

Skin irritation involves redness, itching, or discomfort often caused by dry air or contact with irritants.
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Prepared by Lee Cheng, reviewed by Dr. Helena Rodriguez

Skin Irritation FAQ

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What causes a skin rash?

A skin rash occurs when skin becomes red, inflamed and bumpy. Some skin rashes are dry and itchy. Some are painful. Many things can bring on a skin rash, including viruses, bacteria, allergens and skin conditions like eczema. Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Advertising on our site helps support our mission.

What does it mean if your skin is itchy?

Itchy skin can affect small areas, such as the scalp, an arm or a leg. Or it can cover the whole body. Itchy skin can occur without any other noticeable changes on the skin. Or it may come with: Sometimes itchiness lasts a long time and can be intense. As you rub or scratch the area, it gets itchier. And the more it itches, the more you scratch.

Why does my skin itch a lot?

is caused by a new rash, lump or swelling that you're worried about A GP might prescribe creams, lotions or tablets, depending on what's causing the itching. They will look at your skin and ask about your symptoms. They might arrange a blood test, which may help find the cause of your itchy skin.

How do you know if you have dermatitis?

Each type of dermatitis tends to occur on a different part of the body. Symptoms may include: Itchiness that can be painful. Dry, cracked, scaly skin, more typical on white skin. Rash on swollen skin that varies in color depending on skin color. Blisters, perhaps with oozing and crusting. Dandruff. Thickened skin.

How do you describe skin rashes?

Skin rashes can be described in the following way: Redness of the skin (called erythema ). Flat abnormally coloured areas of skin (called macules ). Macules are often either red, dark red or purple, brown or white. Solid raised areas which are up to half a centimetre across (called papules ).

What skin disorders cause a rash?

Skin disorders that can cause itching include (please click the links to separate leaflets which provide further information): Dry skin. Eczema. Contact dermatitis. Urticaria. Lichen planus. Psoriasis. Folliculitis. Prickly heat/heat rash. What causes skin rashes? Please click the links to separate leaflets which provide further information:

Skin Irritation References

If you want to know more about Skin Irritation, consider exploring links below:

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