Boosting Respiratory Health with Muscle Training
Respiratory Muscle Training FAQ
What is Respiratory Muscle Training (RMT)?
Respiratory Muscle Training (RMT) can be defined as a technique that aims to improve the function of the respiratory muscles through specific exercises. Inspiratory Muscle Training (IMT) in particular has been shown to increase inspiratory muscle strength, respiratory muscle function, and might help to reduce dyspnoea on exertion.
What is inspiratory muscle training?
First, inspiratory muscle training benefits exercise performance in a range of sports. Second, it benefits performance in short and longer term events — from 100m swimming to 40k cycling time trials. It’s also improves the effectiveness of key training sessions like aerobic intervals and repeated sprints.
What is respiratory muscle training?
Inspiratory muscle training is a type of resistance (strength) training for improving the strength, efficiency and fatigue resistance of your respiratory muscles. The training approach is very similar to a standard resistance workout — the difference here is that we breathe against a resistance. What are the benefits of respiratory muscle training?
How to increase respiratory muscle strength & endurance?
Inspiratory muscle resistive training and respiratory muscle isocapnic hyperpnea training are the two main training methods used to increase respiratory muscle strength and endurance. It has been shown in healthy subjects that these kinds of training improve not only respiratory muscle function but also endurance exercise performance.
Does respiratory muscle training improve respiratory muscle strength and endurance?
Inspiratory muscle training (IMT) aims to improve respiratory muscle strength and endurance. Clinical trials used various training protocols, devices and respiratory measurements to check the effectiveness of this intervention. The current guidelines reported a possible advantage of IMT, particularly in people with respiratory muscle weakness.
What is 'inspiratory muscle training'?
This is called 'inspiratory muscle training' (IMT). The devices add resistance to breathing to strengthen the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles between the ribs ‐ the muscles used for breathing. People may then be able to breathe in more air with each breath and be active for longer.
Where can I find information about respiratory muscle training?
Respiratory Muscle Training: theory and practice is supported by a dedicated website (, which provides access to the latest information on RMT, as well as video clips of all exercises described in the book.
Respiratory Muscle Training References
If you want to know more about Respiratory Muscle Training, consider exploring links below:
What Is Respiratory Muscle Training
Respiratory Muscle Training Information
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