Understanding and Managing Pollen Allergy

An allergic reaction to pollen grains, causing symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes, especially in spring and summer.
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Prepared by Lee Cheng, reviewed by Dr. Helena Rodriguez

Pollen Allergy FAQ

Image credit: sabeelhomeoclinic.com

Can pollen cause sneezing?

For those with an allergy, pollen triggers the antibody immunoglobulin E, which creates mucus and leads to symptoms such as congestion and sneezing. What is hay fever? Hay fever is the most common name for pollen allergy and is most commonly caused by grass pollens, although other pollens can also trigger the symptoms.

Do you have a pollen allergy?

If you have a pollen allergy, your immune system thinks pollen is a dangerous intruder. It produces chemicals to fight off the pollen, and you experience an allergic reaction. Sneezing, congestion and puffy eyes are just a few of the symptoms people with pollen allergies may have. Medications can help you manage a pollen allergy.

Can pollen cause sneezing & watery eyes?

This is known as an allergic reaction, and the specific type of pollen that causes it is known as an allergen. The allergic reaction leads to numerous irritating symptoms, such as sneezing, a stuffy nose, and watery eyes. Some people have allergy symptoms year-round, while others only have them during certain times of the year.

What are the symptoms of a pollen allergy?

A pollen allergy causes symptoms like stuffy nose and coughing when a person breathes in pollen, a particle produced by certain plants, trees and grasses. Treatment involves medication, allergy shots or lifestyle changes to avoid pollen exposure. What is a pollen allergy? A pollen allergy is a type of seasonal allergy triggered by pollen.

What is a pollen allergy?

A pollen allergy may also be referred to as seasonal allergic rhinitis or hay fever. According to the National Health Interview Survey, conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 18.9% of children and 25.7% of adults in the United States had seasonal allergies in 2021.

What causes hay fever & pollen allergy?

Hay fever is the most common name for pollen allergy and is most commonly caused by grass pollens, although other pollens can also trigger the symptoms. The symptoms are caused when immune system reacts to pollen in the body to produce histamine and other chemicals.

How do you know if you have pollen?

Others can be severely affected with symptoms that are present every day during the pollen season: Many people get one or more of: A runny nose or a blocked nose. An itchy nose. Sneezing. Red, itchy and watery eyes. An itchy throat. A cough, due to mucus running down the back of the nose to the throat (postnasal drip).

Pollen Allergy References

If you want to know more about Pollen Allergy, consider exploring links below:

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