Effective Pain Relief Options for Various Conditions

Methods or substances used to alleviate discomfort and pain in various body parts.
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Prepared by Lee Cheng, reviewed by Dr. Helena Rodriguez

Pain Relief FAQ

Image credit: walmart.com

What is pain relief services?

Contains information for the general public including leaflets on chronic pain, opioid medication for chronic pain conditions and spinal cord stimulation as a treatment for some chronic pain conditions. A registered charity that offers information and support for pain sufferers, including free fact sheets and leaflets. Pain Relief Services.

How does pain relief work?

Pain-relief methods range from at-home treatments and prescriptions to over-the-counter (OTC) medications and invasive procedures, like surgery. Pain relief doesn’t usually happen overnight, but it can. Each person’s pain experience is unique to them. To treat the source of chronic pain, you may need to visit your doctor.

What is the Pain Relief Foundation?

The Pain Relief Foundation funds research into the causes and treatment of chronic pain. If you have a pain problem, which needs treatment you should contact your own doctor who can refer you to a pain clinic in your area. This site is for information only and cannot be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor.

Where can I find information about managing pain?

The British Pain Society's website also has a number of booklets and patient information leaflets about managing pain. Pain can make you tired, anxious, depressed and grumpy. This can make the pain even worse, making you fall into a downward spiral. Be kind to yourself.

Pain Relief References

If you want to know more about Pain Relief, consider exploring links below:

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