Narrative art is visual art that tells a story or conveys a sequence of events through images. It can capture emotions, depict historical events, or communicate cultural narratives.
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Prepared by Lee Cheng, reviewed by Dr. Helena Rodriguez

Narrative Art FAQ

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Is all representational art narrative?

Not all representational art is however narrative. A portrait may be representational (it contains real items like a person) but it may not always allow the viewer to construct a story. An example of this would be the Mona Lisa. In this painting the subject is merely sitting in a pose and we can't infer any action, event or story from it.

What is narrative art?

Narrative art is art that tells a story, either as a moment in an ongoing story or as a sequence of events unfolding over time. This in retrospect makes a good portion of art narrative art. Landscapes and portraits however do not meet the criteria of the definition provided, though they might be, depending on the artist's intention.

What can we learn from narrative art?

We can learn a lot about other places, times, cultures, peoples, and perspectives by exploring the stories communicated through art. Connect: Create a personal connection to narrative art by asking students for examples of how they use images to tell their stories (Instagram, Snapchat, emojis, etc.).

What is narrative art outside of Fine Art?

Narrative art outside of fine art is deeply entrenched in our way of life and has never fallen out of favour. It is found in book and journal illustrations, newspaper cartoons, photojournalism, comic books, online cartoons, manga etc. Artists love to tell stories and people love to hear (or in this case see) stories.

What is a narrative painting?

Narrative paintings tell a story that convey and evoke emotion in the viewer as well as spark their own imagination to complete the timeline of what went before and what will happen next. This keeps the viewer intrigued and interested in your painting.

Narrative Art References

If you want to know more about Narrative Art, consider exploring links below:

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