Importance of Monitoring Oxygen Levels in Health

Monitoring oxygen levels involves measuring the amount of oxygen in the blood to assess respiratory function. It is essential for individuals with respiratory conditions or during certain medical procedures.
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Respiratory Health | Pulse Oximetry | Medical Monitoring
Prepared by Lee Cheng, reviewed by Dr. Helena Rodriguez

Monitoring Oxygen Levels FAQ

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How do you measure blood oxygen levels?

There are two ways to measure blood oxygen levels. One is an arterial blood gas test, which requires blood to be drawn from an artery. The other is pulse oximetry, which involves shining two wavelengths of light through the skin where it is absorbed and reflected. The absorption rate changes based on the amount of oxygen in the red blood cells.

Should I use a pulse oximeter to monitor my Oxygen levels?

If you are using a pulse oximeter to monitor your oxygen levels at home and are concerned about the reading, contact a health care provider. Do not rely only on a pulse oximeter. It also is important to keep track of your symptoms or how you feel. Contact a health care provider if your symptoms are serious or get worse.

How do I know if my blood oxygen level is too low?

It’s a quick and harmless way to check if someone’s blood oxygen level is too low. Healthcare providers use pulse oximeters frequently in hospitals. You can also use a pulse oximeter at home — you can usually buy one from a pharmacy or certain stores and websites. Why do I need to have my blood oxygen level tested?

Can a pulse oximeter measure blood oxygen level?

Oxygen level in the blood (the oxygen saturation) can be measured by using a pulse oximeter, a small device that you attach to your finger to take a reading. If you use a pulse oximeter and your blood oxygen level becomes lower, follow the guidance in this leaflet on where to seek advice.

What should I do if my oxygen levels are low?

In some cases you may be advised to monitor your oxygen levels at home using a pulse oximeter. They will advise you on what to do next. If you record your blood oxygen levels and they are becoming lower you should contact your GP, midwife or maternity team.

Why do you need a pulse oximetry test?

The more the lungs are damaged, the more likely there is to be a problem with your oxygen levels. The test may be done once to help diagnose a lung condition. It can also be used to measure your oxygen levels over time. For example, during exercise like walking or when you are asleep. How can I prepare for a pulse oximetry test?

What does oxygen saturation mean on a pulse oximeter?

Oxygen saturation - This is your oxygen levels in your blood which will be picked up by your pulse oximeter as a percentage. Pulse - This is your pulse rate which will be picked up by your pulse oximeter as beats per minute. Record the highest result once the reading has not changed for at least 5 seconds. Normal limits are between 95-100%.

Monitoring Oxygen Levels References

If you want to know more about Monitoring Oxygen Levels, consider exploring links below:

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