Promoting Adherence with Medication Reminders

Medication reminders are tools or systems that help individuals remember to take their prescribed medications on time. They are beneficial for improving treatment adherence.
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Prepared by Lee Cheng, reviewed by Dr. Helena Rodriguez

Medication Reminders FAQ

What is a medication reminder app?

They could be set to sound an alarm to prompt the user to take their medication at different times, for example, morning and evening doses. Medication reminder apps can be downloaded to compatible smart phones and are designed to give a reminder when your medication is due.

Do you need a pill reminder app?

Having a reminder about which medications to take when can be handy, especially for people who take medication every day. It may also help prevent serious negative health effects. This article looks at some of the best pill reminder apps available.

What is a medication reminder box?

Just like a standard pillbox, a medication reminder box has different compartments for each day’s medication. In addition, it has a built-in alarm to remind your loved one when it is time to take their medication. This alarm could consist of sounds, flashing lights, or vibrations.

How do medication reminders work?

Choose the frequency and time of day for each medication you take. You can also add notes to each reminder, letting you know which medication to take and whether to take it with food, for example. Some medication reminder apps allow you to nominate a relative, friend, or carer to receive notifications when the user misses a dosage.

What is a medication reminder chart?

Medication reminder charts summarise a patient’s medicines, what they are for, and how to take them. Some areas have their own medication chart templates. A variety of templates can be downloaded and customised: Asthma+Lung UK has an easy read medicines card (A5) prompt for inhaler use. An asthma action plan and other resources are also available

Medication Reminders References

If you want to know more about Medication Reminders, consider exploring links below:

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