Lung Function Monitoring | Respiratory Health Assessment

Lung function monitoring involves the evaluation of how well the lungs are working to diagnose and manage respiratory conditions.
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Prepared by Lee Cheng, reviewed by Dr. Helena Rodriguez

Lung Function Monitoring FAQ

What is a lung function test?

Lung function tests (spirometry) are breathing tests to assess how well your lungs are working. Lung function tests are carried out by respiratory physiologists. They aim to measure how well you can get air in and out of your lungs, how well oxygen gets from the lungs into the blood and the total size of your lungs.

What is a pulmonary function test?

Lung function tests (also called pulmonary function tests, or PFTs) measure how well your lungs work. They can also help to follow the course of a lung condition. As well as showing how effectively you can breathe in and out, the oxygen content of your blood can be used to see how well your lungs are working.

What are lung function tests & spirometry?

These lung function tests involve you being seated and breathing into specialist equipment (like that shown below), via a filter and a mouthpiece. Spirometry is a test that measures the amount of air that you can breathe in and out of your lungs, as well as how fast you can breathe out.

How long does a lung function test take?

The lung function tests measure your lung size, airflow and how well your lungs are working. Generally, full lung function tests usually take about 45 minutes to complete and it includes a few different tests: Spirometry, Lung Volume (helium dilution) and Diffusion or Gas Transfer which are explained below. Why are Lung Function Tests performed?

What happens during a lung function test?

During the routine lung function tests, you will sit on a chair either outside or inside a glass-enclosed booth. We will ask you to wear a nose clip so that no air escapes through your nose, and you will then breathe into a sterile filtered mouthpiece. The tests will usually be repeated to get your best measurement.

What lung function tests are included in this leaflet?

Respiratory and sleep physiology This leaflet provides general information on the lung function tests that you have been referred for. If we need to do other tests that are not described in this information (e.g. Carbon Monoxide monitoring, Oxygen saturation measurement or Exhaled Nitric Oxide) we will discuss them with you on the day.

What does a physiology test tell you about your lungs?

This test determines how well gases such as oxygen move from your lungs into your blood. The physiologist will ask you to breathe in, hold your breath for about 10 seconds and then breathe out again. This test can give us information on how big or small your lungs are.

Lung Function Monitoring References

If you want to know more about Lung Function Monitoring, consider exploring links below:

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