Lung Function Assessment - Importance and Methods

Lung function assessment evaluates the efficiency of breathing and respiratory system.
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Respiratory System | Breathing Techniques | Lung Function | Respiratory Health | Lung Capacity
Prepared by Lee Cheng, reviewed by Dr. Helena Rodriguez

Lung Function Assessment FAQ

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What is a lung function test?

A lung function test looks at how well your lungs work. We look at common questions about the procedure including the main types of lung function tests and how quickly you will get the results. Why might I need a lung function test? Your doctor may have asked you to have one if you’ve been having breathing problems.

What is a pulmonary function test?

Lung function tests (also called pulmonary function tests, or PFTs) measure how well your lungs work. They can also help to follow the course of a lung condition. As well as showing how effectively you can breathe in and out, the oxygen content of your blood can be used to see how well your lungs are working.

How long does a lung function test take?

The lung function tests measure your lung size, airflow and how well your lungs are working. Generally, full lung function tests usually take about 45 minutes to complete and it includes a few different tests: Spirometry, Lung Volume (helium dilution) and Diffusion or Gas Transfer which are explained below. Why are Lung Function Tests performed?

What are lung function tests & spirometry?

These lung function tests involve you being seated and breathing into specialist equipment (like that shown below), via a filter and a mouthpiece. Spirometry is a test that measures the amount of air that you can breathe in and out of your lungs, as well as how fast you can breathe out.

Lung Function Assessment References

If you want to know more about Lung Function Assessment, consider exploring links below:

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