Inhaler Usage Monitoring - Manage Respiratory Conditions

Inhaler usage monitoring involves tracking and analyzing the use of inhalers to manage respiratory conditions. It helps in better understanding of treatment adherence.
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Respiratory Health | Medical Monitoring | Inhaler | Usage Monitoring | Respiratory | Treatment Adherence
Prepared by Lee Cheng, reviewed by Dr. Helena Rodriguez

Inhaler Usage Monitoring FAQ

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What is electronic monitoring of inhaler devices?

Technological advancements in the development of electronic monitoring of inhaler devices allow for monitoring of use, as well as recording of and feedback on inhaler technique for some devices.

What are inhaler-based monitoring devices?

Inhaler-Based Monitoring Devices Available for Asthma Management. A selection of inhaler-monitoring devices, along with mobile applications, that may improve asthma control. Time-stamped audio recording of inhaler use. Raw audio files must be transferred to a computer for analysis.

Can electronic monitoring devices measure inhaler adherence?

Using electronic monitoring devices to measure inhaler adherence: a practical guide for clinicians. Inhaler errors in the CRITIKAL study: type, frequency and association with asthma outcomes. The level of diagnostic assessment in severe asthma: a nationwide real-life study.

Why is inhaler monitoring important for asthma and COPD patients?

Further, inhaler monitoring is the key to the successful management of asthma and COPD patients. For the same reasons, in-person inhaler technique check at the follow-up visit is emphasized in various practice guidelines as inhaler errors are linked to suboptimal symptom control 12, 13, 15, 16, 22, 23.

Inhaler Usage Monitoring References

If you want to know more about Inhaler Usage Monitoring, consider exploring links below:

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