Hair health encompasses the condition and maintenance of the hair, including factors like strength, growth, and prevention of damage.
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Prepared by Lee Cheng, reviewed by Dr. Helena Rodriguez

Hair Health FAQ

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Is your hair healthy?

“Healthy hair is hair that is free of breakage and split ends and is achieving its maximum potential for your particular hair type,” says Lamb. “So, for example, if you have a curly hair pattern, it might not be ‘shiny,’ but as long as during washes you are not experiencing excess loss or breakage, your hair is healthy,” Lamb adds.

Why is healthy hair a sign of good health?

Healthy looking hair is in general a sign of good health and good hair-care practices. Most healthy individuals have adequate nutrients in their diet; however, some people do not have access to good nutrition, others have medical illnesses that predispose them to nutritional deficiency which influence scalp / body hair.

Why is hair so important?

Hair serves a role in your health — beyond giving you a confidence-boost. Hair helps regulate your temperature, keeping you warm when it’s cold, and helping wick sweat when you’re hot. It also helps provide a little padding if you fall, and it may protect your scalp from the sun. Speaking of the scalp, it plays a big role in your health, too.

Is there a secret to healthy hair?

With all these potential strand stresses, it's no surprise that having healthy hair requires effort to keep it looking lush. And while there isn't a secret shortcut to healthier hair, taking time to keep strands strong is worth the commitment. With small tweaks to your routine, maintaining great hair can be effortless.

Is a healthy diet good for your hair?

"Fat-restricted, full-protein diets can take a toll on hair health, so I encourage a well-rounded healthy diet, including healthy fats, like omega-3 fatty acids, iron, Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, and copper," says Nazarian. "A Mediterranean diet is a great start, and incorporate foods like eggs, nuts, avocado, and citrus fruits."

Hair Health References

If you want to know more about Hair Health, consider exploring links below:

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