How to Clean a Pet Bed Properly

Guidelines for washing and maintaining a pet bed to ensure hygiene and comfort.
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Prepared by Lee Cheng, reviewed by Dr. Helena Rodriguez

Cleaning Pet Bed FAQ

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Why is cleaning a dog bed important?

Your dog's bed is a cozy place for your pup to curl and get comfortable, but it is also a place where they leave their hair, saliva, dirt, and germs. Regularly cleaning your dog bed is important to help ensure that your pet stays clean, happy, and healthy.

How do you clean a dog's bed?

Fill up either your bath or sink with hot soapy water – you want enough in there so you can submerge your dog’s bed Soak the bed in soapy water for 10-15 minutes – this will help loosen any stains Air dry your dog’s bed after wringing it out. Got tougher stains or smells to clean?

How long does it take to clean a dog bed?

Small beds for cats and some dogs can be cleaned in a couple of hours. But prepare to invest some time in treating stubborn stains and truly scouring large dog beds. These big beds often take longer to clean. Before you wash your pet’s bed, remove any fur buildup, dirt, and other debris.

Can you clean a pet bed?

A pet bed is a great place for furry friends to snooze—but it can get gross and feel downright impossible to clean. The lumpy shapes, sewn-in frames, and textured materials of many pet beds sure don’t seem designed to fit into a washing machine. But trust me: You can clean a pet bed.

How do you clean a dog bed?

Loosen stubborn pieces of dirt by gently beating them with a broom or stick. Vacuum the dog bed. Next, take a handheld vacuum or use a crevice attachment with your standard vacuum and vacuum out the dog bed. Focus on seams and folds in the bed, as this is where dust, debris, and other problems such as insects may hide and accumulate.

How often should you wash a dog bed?

Ideally, you should wash your dog’s bed every week, or more regularly if it’s obviously soiled. This will make sure bacteria and other nasties don’t take hold. Over the winter months, dog beds may need more frequent washing. One way to help dog beds stay fresher between washes is to prevent the bed from getting wet.

Can You Wash a dog bed in a bathtub?

If the dog bed is too large to be machine washed or the label advises against it, you can hand wash it in the bathtub. Here’s how: Vacuum the dog bed as before. Fill a bath with hot, soapy water (again, using pet-safe laundry detergent). Ensure there is enough water to completely submerge your dog bed.

Cleaning Pet Bed References

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