Managing Asthma: Treatment and Care

Comprehensive strategies for managing asthma symptoms and preventing attacks, including medication and lifestyle changes.
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Prepared by Lee Cheng, reviewed by Dr. Helena Rodriguez

Asthma Treatment And Management FAQ

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What is asthma treatment?

The aim of asthma treatment is to control symptoms, improve lung function, and prevent asthma attacks. Your doctor or asthma nurse aims to do this using the lowest dose of medicine possible, and to find the best treatment plan for you and your asthma.

Is there a cure for asthma?

There's currently no cure for asthma, but treatment can help control the symptoms so you're able to live a normal, active life. Inhalers, which are devices that let you breathe in medicine, are the main treatment. Tablets and other treatments may also be needed if your asthma is severe.

How do you treat an asthma attack?

If you do have an asthma attack, the first line of treatment is your blue reliever inhaler. This can quickly get symptoms under control. If you need to be treated in hospital for an asthma attack, you’ll be treated with higher doses of reliever medicine. Sometimes this will be given through a nebuliser.

What are the goals of asthma treatment?

The goals of asthma treatment are to limit symptoms, prevent asthma attacks and avoid side effects of asthma medicines. The following three steps can help you take control of your asthma treatment. 1. Follow your asthma action plan Your health care team may work with you to create a written asthma action plan.

What does the asthma guideline cover?

This guideline covers diagnosing, monitoring and managing asthma in adults, young people and children. It aims to improve the accuracy of diagnosis, help people to control their asthma and reduce the risk of asthma attacks. It does not cover managing severe asthma or acute asthma attacks.

Asthma Treatment And Management References

If you want to know more about Asthma Treatment And Management, consider exploring links below:

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