Finding Community Support for Asthma

Groups and networks offering support and information for individuals living with asthma.
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Prepared by Lee Cheng, reviewed by Dr. Helena Rodriguez

Asthma Community Support FAQ

Who is responsible for supporting people with asthma?

Commissioners responsible for supporting people with asthma for their population should: Medicines optimisation including inhaler technique and adherence Support for specific patient groups including children and young people, people with learning disabilities, people with mental ill health, and pregnancy.

Where can I get help if I have asthma?

Patient organisations have local groups where you can meet people who have been diagnosed with asthma and have undergone treatment. If you feel you're struggling to cope, talk to a GP. They will be able to give advice and support. Or you can find depression support services in your area.

How do I get help with asthma?

Or you can find depression support services in your area. Most adults with asthma will need to pay a prescription charge for their medicines. If you need to take a lot of medicines, paying for each item individually could get quite expensive. You may find it cheaper to get a prescription prepayment certificate.

Who should support people with asthma?

Wider consultation has taken place with patient representatives, clinicians, primary care, professional bodies and other key stakeholders. Commissioners responsible for supporting people with asthma for their population should: Medicines optimisation including inhaler technique and adherence

Asthma Community Support References

If you want to know more about Asthma Community Support, consider exploring links below:

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