Effective Allergen Removal Techniques

The process of eliminating common allergens from indoor environments to improve air quality and reduce allergies.
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Prepared by Lee Cheng, reviewed by Dr. Helena Rodriguez

Allergen Removal FAQ

Image credit: clean-restore-nv.com

Which cleaning method is best for allergen removal?

Wet cleaning is often referred to as the ‘best’ cleaning method for allergen removal in guidance and grey literature.

Can cleaning remove allergens?

In the context of cleaning to remove allergens, it is vital to understand that cleaning in this specific circumstance is about removing food soils. Unlike microorganisms, allergens are proteins (i.e. biochemicals), and therefore cannot be ‘killed’ or necessarily made non-allergenic by cleaning.

How do you remove allergens from surfaces?

Pre-scraping food from surfaces prior to full cleaning aided allergen removal. Wet cloths/wipes and alcohol/quat wipes were more effective in allergen removal from surfaces than dry wipes. Storing cloths in sanitizer solution minimized allergen transfer between surfaces.

How effective is full cleaning for allergen removal & minimizing allergen transfer?

Full cleaning (using a wash-rinse-sanitize-air dry method) as recommended in the FDA Food Code was effective at allergen removal and minimizing allergen transfer. Pre-scraping food from surfaces prior to full cleaning aided allergen removal.

Does cleaning remove food allergens?

Published studies within the literature on cleaning to remove food allergens are highly variable and context-dependent, and this is a reflection of the statements above on the many factors that need to be considered. Fryer and Asteriadou (2009) identify that data on the efficacy of cleaning is usually held by individual food manufacturers.

Allergen Removal References

If you want to know more about Allergen Removal, consider exploring links below:

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