Air Circulation Systems and Benefits

Air circulation involves the movement of air within an enclosed space to improve ventilation, air quality, and thermal comfort.
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Prepared by Lee Cheng, reviewed by Dr. Helena Rodriguez

Air Circulation FAQ

What is atmospheric circulation?

atmospheric circulation, any atmospheric flow used to refer to the general circulation of the Earth and regional movements of air around areas of high and low pressure. On average, this circulation corresponds to large-scale wind systems arranged in several east–west belts that encircle the Earth.

What is the difference between atmospheric circulation and ocean circulation?

Atmospheric circulation is the large-scale movement of air and together with ocean circulation is the means by which thermal energy is redistributed on the surface of the Earth. The Earth's atmospheric circulation varies from year to year, but the large-scale structure of its circulation remains fairly constant.

What is the global pattern of atmospheric circulation?

As a result, the actual global pattern of atmospheric circulation is much more complicated than a direct flow between the equator and poles. Instead of one large circulation in each hemisphere, there are three circulations in each: Hadley cell – At low latitudes, air moves toward the equator, where it is heated and rises vertically.

How does air circulation affect climate?

The energy for all that movement comes from sunlight that is absorbed and re-radiated by the surface of the Earth and the rotation of the Earth. Atmospheric circulation, along with ocean circulation, distributes heat across the entire surface of the Earth, bringing us our daily weather and shaping regional climates.

Air Circulation References

If you want to know more about Air Circulation, consider exploring links below:

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