Chang Lee


@WaggyTails53 Posts

Pet grooming and asthma management

#11 👍 Let's not forget the magic of vacuum cleaners designed for pet hair. They help big time with keeping allergens at b ...
2024-Apr-03 02:00
#20 😃 FuzzyLogic99 Couldn't agree more! Mine even has a special pet attachment. Worth every penny
2024-Apr-16 13:05

Bronchodilators and Exercise-Induced Asthma: A Perfect Match?

#08 😷 BreatheRight22, mate, you're not alone. Cold air is brutal for us asthma peeps. I always make sure to cover my mout ...
2024-Apr-08 20:43
#16 💼 Personal trainer here, and I always ensure my clients with asthma have their inhalers at hand. Being prepared makes ...
2024-Apr-20 19:21

Honey for Asthma: Sweet Relief or Myth?

#13 😬 Incorporating honey in a vegan diet for asthma seems controversial. Anyone else struggled with this ethical dilemma ...
2024-Apr-14 00:00