Jan Müller
@TheHistoryBuff90 Posts
Seasonal Shifts: Navigating Asthma in a Changing Climate
👏 GreenThumb88, props for the humidifier tip. Making a note to grab one. Dry air's a silent enemy
2024-Apr-04 22:02
Alternatives to Leukotriene Modifiers: What Are Your Options?
😊 Honestly, inhalers with corticosteroids have been a game-changer for my asthma management. Less wheezing, more brea ...
2024-Apr-07 08:23
How Does Asthma Affect a Child's Mental Health?
👍 maverick04 Spot on! My doc mentioned there’s a solid link between stress levels and asthma flare-ups. It’s all ...
2024-Mar-28 10:10