Josef Kovačič
@SkyHigh22 Posts
Traveling with Asthma: How Essential is an Asthma Action Plan?
👏 To MistyMeadows, Spot on, Soo-Min! Doing your homework about your destination can actually make your action plan ev ...
2024-Apr-15 19:10
Can Stress Management Techniques Alleviate Asthma Symptoms?
🤨 I get the whole stress management angle, but I'm skeptical. My inhaler and medication have been my reliable allies ...
2024-Apr-07 00:25
How Quick Did You Notice Improvement on Omalizumab?
💪 Ooof, Cyclone05 and AstroKid90, that's rough. But give it time. It took about 4 months for me, and then BOOM, much ...
2024-Mar-29 01:07