Luigi Moretti


@RespRateRookie45 Posts

Are Asthma Action Plans Effectively Taught in Schools?

#19 Digital, paper, or telepathic, it doesn't matter. What matters is the actually caring part. Schools need to show th ...
2024-Apr-20 16:08

Is Team Sports Participation Beneficial for Children with Asthma?

#15 🧠 Team sports ain't just about running around; it's about strategy, learning to work with others, and developing comm ...
2024-Apr-16 01:04

Understanding the Psychological Impact of Exercise-Induced Asthma on Children

#10 😀 Don't underestimate the power of community either. Local support groups can work wonders for confidence and coping ...
2024-Apr-15 10:51

The Science Behind Acupuncture for Asthma: What Does Research Say?

#19 🌀 MindfulSoul45 The unknown doesn't equal inefficacy. The mysterious workings of acupuncture hint at ancient wisdom w ...
2024-Apr-15 19:00

Homeopathy for Severe Asthma: Does It Work?

#19 🌍 Let's not forget the environmental angle. Homeopathy has a smaller carbon footprint compared to conventional pharma ...
2024-Apr-16 06:29