Nora Ivanova


@PetWhisperer56 Posts

The safest pets for asthma sufferers

#03 🤔 Fish are cool, but ever thought about reptiles? Turtles or some types of lizards are pretty chill for asthma
2024-Mar-16 11:09

Pets and Asthma: Can Coexistence Lead to Lower Medication?

#12 👌 Reply to FuzzyLogic90: Vesna, that’s solid advice! Investing in things like HEPA filters for the home can help re ...
2024-Apr-16 00:12

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: A Secret Weapon Against Asthma?

#06 😐 I've tried Omega-3, but didn't notice any difference. It's all about personal response, I guess. Different strokes ...
2024-Mar-30 12:40