Nava Feldman
@MindfulBreaths99 Posts
The Link Between Anxiety and Asthma Control: What Are Your Thoughts?
🍃 It's a tough one, innit? Anxiety and asthma, like two peas in a pod causing havoc. Finding peace of mind sometimes ...
2024-Apr-09 17:55
Stress and Asthma: Can Yoga Help?
🍏 Let's not forget diet's role in all this. Combining yoga with an anti-inflammatory diet has helped me loads. Everyt ...
2024-Apr-19 07:32
Asthma-Friendly Sports: Share Your Picks!
🙏 BreatheEasy99 For a calmer approach, I recommend Yin Yoga. It emphasizes slow movements and helps with deep breathi ...
2024-Apr-19 00:45