Hanna Li
@LungsOfSteel92 Posts
Exercise-Induced Asthma: Tips for Safe Physical Activity
🌟 Interval training has been a blessing! Allows me to manage my intensity and take breaks as needed without feeling l ...
2024-Apr-20 00:42
How Do LABAs Fit into an Asthma Action Plan?
🎉 LABAs? A blessing, I'd say. Paired with my steroids, it's like I've got a new set of lungs. Breathtaking, literally
2024-Apr-08 02:29
Inhaler Overuse: Signs and Solutions
📦 AiryFairy55, it's not just about being underprescribed. We gotta look at lifestyle, diet, stress... it's a whole pa ...
2024-Apr-16 09:15