Arash Kamali
@ChillJogger33 Posts
Impact of Weather on Exercise-Induced Asthma: What's Your Experience?
👍 WindWalker99, I second that! A brisk walk on a windy day seems to do the trick for me. Clears my head and my lungs
2024-Apr-03 08:37
💡 FrostyJogger11, I've had some luck with a thermal fleece face mask. Keeps the air I breathe in a bit warmer and les ...
2024-Apr-22 02:00
How Do Children with Asthma Cope Psychologically?
📚 My strategy? Education. Making sure my kid knows what’s happening and why. Knowledge is power and it reduces thei ...
2024-Mar-24 01:03
Can Omega-3 Fatty Acids Help Prevent Asthma Attacks?
🐟 To OmegaManiac21, exactly! The anti-inflammatory effects are what we’re after. But let’s not forget, folks, qua ...
2024-Apr-05 02:50