Sanne Janssen


@AsthmaWarrior21 Posts

Avoiding Asthma Triggers: Essential Oils to Steer Clear Of

#17 🚑 Talk all you want about oils, but nothing beats my inhaler when things get dicey. Always respect the limits of alte ...
2024-Apr-20 14:37

Does Dairy Intensify Asthma Symptoms During Exercise?

#02 🌿 SmartCookie78 Have you tried switching to dairy alternatives? I find that almond milk doesn't trigger my symptoms l ...
2024-Mar-15 07:27

Overcoming Fear of Exercise-Induced Asthma: Tips and Strategies

#15 🎵 Music pumps me up during workouts, but loud, fast-paced tunes trigger my asthma. Switching to calming melodies has ...
2024-Apr-15 11:11