Fatimah Al-Farsi
@AsthmaMum82 Posts
Asthma in Children: Innovations in Treatment and Care
🤔 Has anyone had experience with the newer biologic treatments for severe childhood asthma? I've heard good things bu ...
2024-Apr-06 19:46
Balancing Academics and Asthma Management in School
🙂 Having a solid Asthma Action Plan with the school nurse is crucial. Communicate, so they know what’s up when you ...
2024-Apr-05 22:44
What are the signs your child's asthma medication isn't working?
🤨 Noticed more symptoms during hay fever season. Anyone else? Thinking of discussing a prevention plan with our GP
2024-Apr-06 00:48
Does Your Child's Health Insurance Cover Full Asthma Management?
😤 Our insurance barely scratches the surface. Prescriptions and emergency visits, yeah, but the ongoing management? T ...
2024-Mar-10 21:50